Week of October 11th – Grade 5

2021-10-11T17:56:25-03:00October 11th, 2021|

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has spent time enjoying family, friends, and God's beautiful creation this weekend. I am so thankful to be able to work with each of your children again this year! This past week we finished our review of grammar standards from grades 3 and 4 in language class. In math [...]

Week of October 3rd – Grade 5

2021-10-03T16:40:30-03:00October 3rd, 2021|

Hello, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I am thankful that we were able to have another full week of learning at GCS. In language class, we are finishing up our review of grammar concepts from grade 3 and 4 to ensure we have a solid foundation moving forward. Math is picking [...]

Week 4 in Grade 5

2021-09-25T16:26:57-03:00September 25th, 2021|

Greetings! Happy Saturday! Our first full week of classes is now in the books and what a great week we had. We have finished our personal narrative unit in language, and have completed our first math and spelling test. This week we will be reviewing long division in Math and grade 3 and 4 [...]

Week 3 in Grade 5

2021-09-19T09:24:35-03:00September 19th, 2021|

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and the beautiful weather we have been having. Although this past week wasn't what we expected it would be, it was still a successful week of learning. I look forward to spending our first full week together. Take note below of what we will be learning [...]

Grade 5 – Update

2021-09-13T10:32:17-03:00September 13th, 2021|

Good morning, I hope everyone is doing well. Since posting my last blog, the PEI CPHO has mandated a 72 hour suspension of in-person learning at GCS. Thankfully, our class has begun using many of our online platforms and are familiar with their functions. This morning, I will send each of you your child's [...]

Week 2 in Grade 5

2021-09-11T17:13:54-03:00September 11th, 2021|

Greetings! We had a great first week in Grade Five. Our classroom was filled with enthusiasm for learning and being back together. I am very excited to be teaching each of your children again. It has been wonderful to see how each student has improved over the years while maintaining their unique personalities. I [...]

Welcome to Grade Five!

2021-09-02T12:07:15-03:00September 2nd, 2021|

Hello! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer of learning, growing, and having fun. I am so excited to get things started. Our grade five year will be filled with new activities, classes, and teachers to learn from. For those of you who are new to GCS, I am Mrs. Chloe MacDougall. I [...]

The Final Week in Grade 5

2021-06-11T17:25:30-03:00June 11th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Only 1 week left in the school year! Many of you are aware that I will not be returning to GCS next year. Mrs. Wood and I will be moving to Sussex, NB to attend Crandall University in Moncton. It has been a great year to end my time at GCS, [...]

Week 37 in Grade 5

2021-06-06T14:19:12-03:00June 6th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Only 2 weeks left in the school year! What a beautiful weekend it has been. I hope you’ve found some time to enjoy the weather. In Math class this week, students will be learning about dividing with decimals and working on a theme park project. These projects are due Friday morning. [...]

Week 36 in Grade 5

2021-05-30T09:09:47-03:00May 30th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Only 3 weeks left in the school year! On Tuesday this week we will be celebrating Canada Day. Since we aren’t in school on July 1st, we’ll celebrate it on June 1st instead. Dress in your red and white and all things Canadian. Last week in Math, students practiced dividing decimals [...]

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