Week of January 10th – Grade 5

2022-01-09T18:45:16-04:00January 9th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, It has been a pleasure to teach each of your children during this first week of online learning. I am so thankful for all of the support you are providing at home to ensure they continue to learn during this time. It has been a blessing to me to see their [...]

Week of December 13th – Grade 5

2021-12-12T13:31:59-04:00December 12th, 2021|

Grade 5 parents, We are down to one more week of school and what a fun-filled week it will be. Thank you so much for your generosity in donating items for the Prince Edward Home residents. It was an incredible blessing to see all of the items underneath the tree. Take note below of [...]

Week of December 6th – Grade 5

2021-12-05T14:45:13-04:00December 5th, 2021|

Grade 5 parents, Wow, I cannot believe we only have two more weeks till Christmas break. This past week we focused on sentence diagramming in language and learned how to reduce fractions and change improper fractions to mixed numbers in math. Take a look below at all important announcements pertaining to our second last [...]

Week of November 29th – Grade 5

2021-11-28T11:29:42-04:00November 28th, 2021|

Hello! I can't believe we only have two more days of November. Even though Christmas is drawing near, we are not slowing down in our grade five classroom. The last three weeks before Christmas break will all be full weeks of learning. With the excitement of this time of year, please continue to encourage [...]

Week of November 22nd – Grade 5

2021-11-20T11:17:54-04:00November 20th, 2021|

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. We had another wonderful short week. We finished reading Number the Stars, completed our comprehension test on the novel, and began working on our final project for the unit. Students will use quotes from the book to create an added final chapter. They were tasked [...]

Week of November 16th – Grade 5

2021-11-13T13:36:48-04:00November 13th, 2021|

Hello! It is hard to believe that it is already the middle of November. We have had a great first week of second quarter. We continued learning about fractions and mixed numbers in math class. In language class, we continued our study of Number the Stars by learning about civilians who joined the resistance [...]

Week of November 8th – Grade 5

2021-11-06T14:48:24-03:00November 6th, 2021|

Grade 5 parents, This past week we began our unit of fractions in math. We finished off the week by adding and subtracting fractions with a common denominator. In language class, we continued our study of Number the Stars. Students wrote haiku and cinquain poems that aligned with themes from the novel. We have [...]

Week of November 1st – Grade 5

2021-10-31T14:31:01-03:00October 31st, 2021|

Grade 5 parents, We have had another wonderful week of learning. We discussed mood in our writing, and drew the setting of Number the Stars with accuracy according to Lois Lowry’s description. Number the Stars has served as a wonderful introduction to our novel studies for the year. In math, we reviewed roman numerals [...]

Week of October 24th – Grade 5

2021-10-24T15:44:31-03:00October 24th, 2021|

Grade 5 parents, I cannot believe our final week of October is here. Our temperatures are dropping as the end of first quarter draws near. This week we will continue to read through Number the Stars, and learn about measurement equations and roman numerals. Test Folders Students received their test folders on Friday. Please [...]

Week of October 17th – Grade 5

2021-10-17T11:48:10-03:00October 17th, 2021|

Hello all, I hope everyone is staying dry on this rainy Sunday. This past week students learned about kindness and leadership through class discussions, a guest speaker, and random acts of kindness. Looking ahead, this week we will be focusing on science and technology. We will focus our language arts and math lessons around [...]

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