Happy Thanksgiving

2017-10-20T16:21:29-03:00October 6th, 2017|

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34) We have so much to be grateful for in this life, but the reality is that sometimes we forget to pause and give thanks for all that God has done, and continues to do in our lives. One of the many blessings I [...]

News From Class

2017-09-29T21:46:58-03:00September 29th, 2017|

Once again, it has been a fantastic week of learning.  I have especially enjoyed watching my students consider the true sacrifices made on the behalf of all Canadians during World War One. We have started studying WWI in History class. The students were asked to ponder what it would have meant for young boys [...]

What An Impressive Crew!

2017-09-22T21:58:39-03:00September 22nd, 2017|

We may only be two full weeks into our school year, but I have never been so impressed with the caliber of my students and their genuine love for learning.  What a joy to have your students so excited to tell you that they have chosen a new question for their Genius Hour Project, [...]

Getting Ready For Week Two

2017-09-15T20:38:48-03:00September 15th, 2017|

What an incredible first full week back to school.  The students in Gr 5/6 have been working hard this week as they learned new concepts in Math & Language and were introduced to fun new units of study in Science & History.  While some of you are questioning the lack of homework each night, [...]

Full Week Ahead

2017-09-08T21:32:28-03:00September 8th, 2017|

What an incredible first two days of the 2017-2018 school year.  It has been a joy watching your children embrace the new school year, build friendships, and display their school spirit.  They have already learned to tackle new challenges with perseverance. As we look to next week, there are a number of events to [...]

Back To School

2017-09-05T15:15:24-03:00September 5th, 2017|

The school year is about to begin and what an incredible group of students I have the privilege of spending this year with. With such a diverse group of students we will undoubtedly learn well beyond the curriculum. It is my prayer that together we will gain a greater understanding of our theme verse, and model it [...]

Welcome Back!

2017-09-09T18:46:45-03:00August 23rd, 2017|

Hope you are enjoying your final few weeks of summer. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

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