The School Bell Calls

2018-04-03T16:55:22-03:00April 3rd, 2018|

After an extended Spring Break I am hopeful to see some smiling faces tomorrow as we head back to the classroom- both parents and students!  As we gear up for a busy 3-day week, please take note of the following announcements: Heritage Fair: Students' final Heritage Fair projects are due this Friday, April 6th.  [...]

Winter Carnival Week

2018-03-17T11:35:54-03:00March 17th, 2018|

It's Winter Carnival Week at GCS.  As a lead-up to March Break, we will be having school-wide dress-up days. While participation is optional, students who take part will be awarded with some prizes from Student Council. Monday, March 19th – Pajama Day-  Wear your finest pjs and slippers. Tuesday, March 20th – Mathlete vs. [...]

Marching On…

2018-03-10T12:25:03-04:00March 10th, 2018|

Happy Weekend, GCS Family!  Please take a moment to review the following announcements: Elementary Basketball Camp  We are excited to announce that the GCS Elementary Basketball Camp will soon be starting.  Students in grades 3-6 are invited to participate on Thursdays from 3:00 - 4:30, beginning on March 15th. The cost to participate is [...]

March Already?

2018-03-03T10:09:01-04:00March 3rd, 2018|

Please take note of the following updates and announcements from the Gr 5/6 classroom: Skate Days: The students will be travelling to the APM Centre in Cornwall again this Thursday for an elementary skate.  Skate times are scheduled for 1:30-2:30. Students are required to have skates, mittens, and a helmet in order to participate. Students who [...]

The Weekly Scoop

2018-02-24T10:52:38-04:00February 24th, 2018|

Well, after an eventful week in Washington, DC with my Future City Team I am so happy to be back in my classroom with all my students.  I want to acknowledge the incredible work ethic of my students over the past couple weeks.  With several large projects being submitted within a tight time-frame, I [...]

Islander Day Weekend

2018-02-15T21:12:11-04:00February 15th, 2018|

With Islander Day Weekend approaching, please take some time to enjoy an extra day with your family and friends celebrating the blessing of living in such a beautiful part of our country.  There will be no class on Monday, February 19th. Future City Travel - Mrs. MacNeill Please keep me in your prayers throughout [...]

Love Of Reading Week

2018-02-09T11:08:28-04:00February 9th, 2018|

Thank-you for continuing to partner with us at GCS.  With the third quarter ahead of us, we are gearing up for some exciting learning opportunities.  We will kick this semester off with Love Of Reading Week which will be centered around the theme of the Winter Olympics. Love Of Reading Activities Students have been [...]

Weekly Update From Gr 5/6

2018-02-03T16:07:16-04:00February 3rd, 2018|

Well, I guess we can conclude that the stormy winter weather has arrived.  Thank-you for your cooperation with all the delays and cancellations this past week.  We are hopeful that the week ahead will go as planned.  Please take note of the following updates: Parent Teacher Interviews & New Sign Up Procedures: Parent-Teacher Conferences [...]

Smack Dab In The Centre

2018-01-28T08:33:45-04:00January 28th, 2018|

Second quarter is coming a close and we have hit the half-way mark of the school year. Please take note of the following information and be on the lookout for more information regarding Love of Reading Week and GCS Olympic celebrations. Friday’s PD Day We have a scheduled Professional Development Day this coming Friday, February [...]

Let The Learning Continue…

2018-01-20T12:55:50-04:00January 20th, 2018|

We are just a couple weeks away from finishing the first half of our school year.  The students have settled back into the groove of things inside the classroom and are excited to embark on some of the learning experiences that I have shared with them.  I encourage you to challenge your child to [...]

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