Graduation Week

2018-06-10T09:44:16-03:00June 10th, 2018|

It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the last month of school!  Now to finish off the school year strong! Dream House Presentations The students have been dreaming big this year as each student pair worked collaboratively to build, design, and furnish their dream homes.  Students began by selecting a piece of land from,  [...]

Let The Countdown Begin

2018-06-02T11:22:06-03:00June 2nd, 2018|

Can you believe that we are down to the final few weeks of the school year?  There are lots of things happening at GCS over the coming days, so please take note of the following: Sports Awards Ceremony: Please join us this Thursday, June 7th at 2:00 PM for our annual Sports Awards Ceremony [...]

One Month To Go…

2018-05-26T11:49:57-03:00May 26th, 2018|

Happy Weekend, GCS Family! It is hard to believe that we are less than one month away from school closing.  That being said, our days continue to be busy and filled with learning. Please take note of following updates and announcements: Jamaica Chapel Service:  Recently 8 of our Gr. 11 and 5 of our [...]

Short Week Ahead

2018-05-20T22:13:17-03:00May 20th, 2018|

Being Victoria Day weekend, I hope you will all enjoy the extra time with your family and friends.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 22 at 9 AM. Dementia Project Congrats  I am incredibly proud of my students for the time, energy, and focused effort they put into creating products that could be engineered [...]

Innovators Beware

2018-05-12T10:44:19-03:00May 12th, 2018|

What an exciting week we have ahead of us in the Grade 5/6 classroom as students finally have the opportunity to showcase their hard work over the past several weeks in completing their Dementia Projects.   Please take note of the following information about these presentations, as well as some additional information about the weeks [...]

May Updates

2018-05-05T20:17:47-03:00May 5th, 2018|

It is hard to believe it, but we are already counting down the weeks until the end of the school year.  How can it be May already?  Please take note of the following announcements and updates: I'm Back: A huge shout out to my amazing students and to Mr. Wood for covering my classes [...]

Family Fitness Week

2018-04-29T21:40:54-03:00April 29th, 2018|

A special thanks to all of you who joined us on Friday evening to honor our Knights: Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Laird, and Mr. Thompson. We are very blessed to have long-standing educators who love the Lord and the children they have been called to serve at GCS. Please take note of the following updates.  [...]

Weekly Update From Gr 5/6

2018-04-20T10:22:45-03:00April 20th, 2018|

Thank-you to all parents who attended Parent Teacher Interviews this week.  If you were unable to attend and would like to make an appointment to discuss your child's progress, please contact me to set up at time.  As we begin our final quarter of the school year, please take note of the following information: [...]

Let Our Final Semester Begin

2018-04-14T23:49:29-03:00April 14th, 2018|

It's hard to believe that we have completed 3 quarters of our school year already.  As we begin our final semester, please take note of the following information: Canadian Achievement Test (CAT) This week GCS students from Kindergarten through to Grade 12 will be writing a Canadian Achievement Test.  The CAT is a testing [...]

Heritage Fair Week

2018-04-07T08:14:25-03:00April 7th, 2018|

Heritage Fair Students and parents are reminded that the 2018 GCS Heritage Fair will occur this Monday, April 9th. Students are asked to arrive by 8:45 AM to set up backboards and displays in the Church and Foyer. Judging will occur from 9:10 AM until completion. Students will be asked to return their presentation boards back to the [...]

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