Report Card Week

2018-11-12T10:02:26-04:00November 12th, 2018|

As this first quarter comes to a close, I just want to say how proud I am of each of the grade five students for how they have grown since the beginning of the year. I look forward to seeing them overcome challenges and how they grow because of it. Report Cards: The first [...]

Final Week of the Quarter

2018-11-04T22:07:48-04:00November 4th, 2018|

We have arrived at the final full week of the first quarter. The grade five students just finished their fitness testing in Phys.Ed. and will be starting soccer skill testing this week. They have begun reviewing fractions in math class after a their unit on measurement, and I’m excited to provide more and more [...]

Nearing the End of the Beginning

2018-10-28T21:35:05-03:00October 28th, 2018|

First quarter at GCS is quickly coming to a close. The new playground is taking shape and students are anxious to test it out. It is hard to believe that one year ago this Tuesday, October 30th, we broke ground for our new academic wing at GCS.  The beautiful classrooms that our children are [...]

Only 3 Shool Days This Week

2018-10-20T16:52:26-03:00October 20th, 2018|

ACSI Convention – No School Each member of the GCS team is committed to professional excellence and seeks to improve their teaching skills through professional development and the implementation of 21stcentury pedagogy.  We are thankful for the opportunity to participate in the ACSI Teacher’s Conference in Moncton this coming Thursday and Friday.  There will [...]

Science and Technology Week Ahead

2018-10-14T13:24:47-03:00October 14th, 2018|

Last week grades 3-6 represented the GCS Knights very well at the cross country meet. Despite the cold and small amount of rain, they pressed through to complete their races with excellence. I am very proud of ever one of them and thrilled to see how they overcome their challenges each day. Science and [...]

Cross Country Week at GCS!

2018-10-08T10:04:09-03:00October 8th, 2018|

As the Thanksgiving long weekend comes to a close I pray you’ve had a wonderful time reflecting on all God’s blessings. Please take note of the following announcements: No Class on Monday Classes will resume on Tuesday, Oct. 9th at 9:00 AM. Cross Country Meet We welcome parents to join us in cheering on [...]

Week 4 and Beyond!

2018-09-29T17:21:00-03:00September 29th, 2018|

Fall weather is upon us, so don’t forget to dress accordingly.  There is always something happening at GCS, so here are just a few announcements to keep you informed about the weeks ahead: Elementary Cross Country Event: Students in grades 3-6 will be participating in an upcoming Cross Country Meet on Wednesday, October 10th. [...]

PD Day Already?

2018-09-22T21:41:02-03:00September 22nd, 2018|

I almost can't believe we are about to enter our last week of September already. Here are just a few announcements to keep you up to date: GCS Lunch Program The GCS Lunch Program will run every WEDNESDAY with the exception of a new Kings BBQ option which will be available to students in [...]

Welcome to Grade 5!

2018-09-05T22:29:29-03:00September 5th, 2018|

Welcome Back! Grace Christian School has experienced a major upgrade over the summer with a new elementary academic wing and beautiful atrium. This year is the first year we will have single-grade classes. I am super excited to meet all the new Grade Five students! Students are expected to arrive at the school by [...]

Schools Out For Summer (Almost)

2018-06-17T17:23:50-03:00June 17th, 2018|

And just like that, the final days of this school year are upon us!  I would like to thank you all for making this school year a successful one and for partnering with me on your child's educational journey at GCS.  It has been my absolute pleasure to serve your children as their teacher [...]

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