Week 20 – Second Quarter Report Cards

2019-02-04T23:31:02-04:00February 4th, 2019|

Third quarter already!? It has been a pleasure seeing how each of the Grade Five students has grown over the past few months. I can only imagine how that will continue into the second half of our year. With report cards going home this week, please take note of the following announcements: Report Cards: [...]

WEEK 19 – The Half Way Point

2019-01-28T10:12:46-04:00January 27th, 2019|

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful day today with the milder temperatures and bright shining sun. It sure beats the winter rain we’ve been getting. As we approach the end of the second quarter, please take note of the following announcements:    PD Day, Weather Permitting As indicated on our online school year [...]

WEEK 18 – Let the Learning Continue

2019-01-20T18:18:43-04:00January 20th, 2019|

PD Day, Weather Permitting As indicated on our online school year calendar, we have a currently scheduled Professional Development Day Friday, February 1st. However, if school is cancelled throughout that week, this PD Day will be cancelled and we will have classes to allow high school students to have time to complete their exams. [...]

WEEK 17 – Moving Right Along

2019-01-14T09:14:55-04:00January 12th, 2019|

What a great start to 2019 we have had this week. The Grade Five students have been powering through fractions in Math class and learned how to create professional looking graphs using Google Sheets in Digital Literacy. I can’t wait to see their Science Fair projects in March. On that note, please take note [...]

Week 16 – Happy New Year

2019-01-20T17:56:43-04:00January 3rd, 2019|

Welcome to 2019! With two weeks off for Christmas break, I’m sure students are well rested and ready to start this year off well. Please take note of the following reminders and announcements: Back To School Classes at GCS will resume on Monday, January 7th at 9:00 AM, however, we recommend that students arrive [...]

WEEK 15 – Christmas Time is Here!

2018-12-16T13:14:19-04:00December 16th, 2018|

We have arrived at the final week of the 2018 school year. Time has gone by so incredibly fast, and I have been blessed to have each and every student through it all. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I pray that you and your children have a wonderful Christmas [...]

Week 14 – Christmas Concert Week

2018-12-09T15:52:12-04:00December 9th, 2018|

Only two more weeks left of this school year and still so much to do. The Grade Five class, along with their friends in grade three, four, and six, have been working very hard at practicing for this year’s Christmas Concert. We are hopeful you will join us. Christmas Concert Reminders: This year we [...]

WEEK 13 – It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

2018-12-01T17:25:03-04:00December 1st, 2018|

With everything that happened last week, we sincerely appreciate your flexibility and support as part of our school community when we are required to make decisions about school closures and delays.  When winter storms arrive on PEI, it is our policy to follow the directive of the Public Schools Branch with regard to school [...]

WEEK 12 – One Month Until Christmas!

2018-11-25T11:47:02-04:00November 25th, 2018|

If last week is any indication of what is to come, we are in for a rough winter. With such cancellations or delays, events, activities, and assessments can be shuffled around a bit to make up for the lost time. So, please take note of the following announcements: Bricks Of Honour: The Bricks of [...]

2nd Quarter

2018-11-17T17:42:25-04:00November 17th, 2018|

Welcome to 2nd quarter, and welcome to Winter! Thank you to all the parents who came out to see me for parent-teacher interviews. Our connection is key to the success of your children, so I appreciate you partnering with me and GCS as a whole. Take note of the following announcements: Winter Weather: As [...]

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