WEEK 32 – Into the Last Full Month

2019-05-05T15:37:32-03:00May 5th, 2019|

Now that we are into May, the end of the school year is quickly approaching. Please take note of the following announcements and updates: Smart Parents for a Smart Phone Generation: All parents are encouraged to come out tomorrow evening, Monday, May 6th, from 7 PM- 8:30 PM, to attend a parent seminar called [...]

Week 30 – A New Season for a New Quarter

2019-04-22T11:24:49-03:00April 22nd, 2019|

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend to celebrate the good news of Jesus’ sacrifice. Please note that classes will resume, tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23rd. Report Cards Thank you to all the parents who have returned their child’s report card envelope and parent form during Parent-Teacher conferences. Please send in these two items [...]

Week 29 – Report Cards and an Easter Long Weekend

2019-04-17T00:44:14-03:00April 17th, 2019|

It is that time again. Report cards will be going home this Wednesday instead of the usual Thursday because of Good Friday. This means we are now into the 4th quarter and have a lot planned for the students of GCS. Please read through the following announcements: Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled [...]

WEEK 28 – Last Week of 3rd Quarter

2019-04-08T09:20:44-03:00April 7th, 2019|

As the last of the snow continues to melt, GCS is preparing a variety of opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities. Please take note of the following announcements. Re-enrollment Month April is re-enrollment month at GCS.  As our school community continues to grow, it is increasingly important for families to pay their [...]

WEEK 27 – 4th Quarter Approaching

2019-03-31T17:37:27-03:00March 31st, 2019|

With another week passed, we are one step closer to 3rd Quarter report cards on April 17th. I hope you are enjoying the lovely Spring weather. Take a moment to read through the following announcements: Family Fun Run Attention Knights! Are you ready to get fit and have some fun? The GCS Family Fun [...]

WEEK 26 – Could Winter Be Over?

2019-03-24T16:45:17-03:00March 24th, 2019|

How does a week go by so fast? It’s back to school after our Spring Break at GCS, and it’s certainly starting to feel like Spring. With only three weeks left in the third quarter, have a look at the following announcements: Provincial Science Fair: This Wednesday, March 27, five students from GCS will [...]

WEEK 25 – Winter Carnival

2019-03-10T21:37:28-03:00March 10th, 2019|

It’s Winter Carnival Week at GCS and we have planned a number of fun theme days and activities.  Please take note of the following announcements: Winter Carnival Theme Days: Students are encouraged to come dressed for theme days but to honour our school dress-code of- Clean, Neat & Appropriate. Theme days are as follows: [...]

Science Fair Week

2019-03-02T08:25:54-04:00March 2nd, 2019|

Please take note of the following announcements and reminders for the week ahead: Science Fair Projects & Presentations: Students should be putting their final touches on their project boards and practicing their science presentations over the weekend.  A reminder that all projects and presentations are due this Monday, March 4th, in preparation for our school [...]

WEEK 23 – Last Week Before Science Fair

2019-02-24T21:52:55-04:00February 24th, 2019|

Students have been working away at their Science Fair projects with Mrs. MacNeill and the big day is almost here. Please take note of the following updates and announcements: I Am Leaving Mrs. Wood and I have been given the opportunity to participate in a hockey camp ministry in the small community of Kimmirut, [...]

WEEK 21 – Love of Reading Week

2019-02-10T17:07:13-04:00February 10th, 2019|

A lot is planned for the second half of the year at GCS.  With the third quarter ahead of us, we are gearing up for some exciting learning opportunities.  We will kick this semester off with Love Of Reading Week. Please take note of the following announcements: Parent Teacher Conference- Rescheduled   Due to [...]

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