Week 3 – Moving Right Along

2019-09-22T19:22:41-03:00September 22nd, 2019|

Just a few announcements to keep you up to date: GCS Apparel & Online Store: Visit our online GCS clothing store to get all of your school and athletic apparel. Show your school spirit with quality shirts, jackets, hoodies, and more. Shipping is free and most clothing is custom designed by you! Check it [...]

Week 2- A Great Start!

2019-09-14T19:07:41-03:00September 14th, 2019|

With “almost” a full week of school behind us, the grade 5 students have had a great start to the year. They have met all their teachers and begun working hard. Be sure to check in here each week to see what is planned for the next. Bring Your Bible: Our classes are well [...]

Week 1 – Let’s Begin

2019-09-09T13:48:56-03:00September 7th, 2019|

A Great Start It has been such a wonderful first couple days back in school. I’m excited to see how the Grade 5 students learn and grow together as the year progresses. Please take note of the following announcements for this week, and don’t forget to subscribe to this weekly blog post to stay [...]

Welcome to Grade 5

2019-09-04T10:13:20-03:00September 4th, 2019|

Welcome Back! I am super excited to meet all the new Grade Five students! Students are expected to arrive at the school by 8:45am to be ready for classes to begin at 9:00am. The Grade Five learning studio is in room 305. Who Am I? My name is Mr. Wood and I will be [...]

Week 28 – The Final Week

2019-06-17T06:46:50-03:00June 17th, 2019|

Last week? But it feels just like yesterday I was saying goodbye for March Break. This has been a tremendous year. I’ve been blessed to have each of your children in my class and look forward to seeing them continue to learn and grow in the coming years. As we close out the year, [...]

Week 37 – Wrapping Up the Year

2019-06-09T21:52:21-03:00June 9th, 2019|

As we begin to close out the year in these last couple weeks, there is a lot going on. Students have been working diligently on their biographies and book reports as well as given the opportunity to practice their math skills by planning a dream vacation. Take note of this week’s announcements. Year-end Trip [...]

WEEK 36 – Last Month

2019-06-01T21:53:02-03:00June 1st, 2019|

As we enter the last month of the school year, please take note of the following announcements: ACSI Elementary Track Meet: All elementary students in grades 3-6 will attend the annual ACSI Elementary Track Meet at UPEI this Wednesday, June 5th.  Many of our students will be competing in various track events, however, all [...]

WEEK 35 – Crunch Time

2019-05-26T11:17:22-03:00May 26th, 2019|

What a beautiful weekend it has been to enjoy the sun! As we head into the last week of May please be marking your calendars with the year-end events GCS has planned. Arts Coffeehouse Everyone is invited for a relaxing evening of art and music! We are very pleased to present GCS’s second annual [...]

WEEK 34 – A Short Week

2019-05-20T21:57:36-03:00May 20th, 2019|

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful long weekend. Tomorrow will mark exactly one month until the last day of school. To be best prepared for the many upcoming events, please take note of the following announcements. Hot Lunch- Cavendish Fry Truck: This Wednesday, students will have the option to purchase freshly cooked Cavendish [...]

WEEK 33 – Track & Field Season

2019-05-12T18:35:11-03:00May 12th, 2019|

Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s your weekly update of announcements: Friendly Letters: Students in Gr. 5 have been working on writing friendly letters. Some students wrote to someone they could give their letter to face-to-face, while others decided to write to someone much further away. These students have been tasked to do some digging for [...]

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