Week 13 – First Week of December

2019-12-01T09:00:52-04:00December 1st, 2019|

I hope and pray that you have been safe through the recent snow storm. Winter is here, and Christmas is coming! Please be checking our various social media pages for any cancelations or delays due to inclement weather. The elementary students have been preparing well for the upcoming Christmas concert, and I’m impressed with [...]

Week 12 – Christmas is on its Way

2019-11-24T17:01:20-04:00November 23rd, 2019|

As we get closer to December, Christmas events and activities will begin to take shape. Thank you to all who came out to the pancake breakfast this Saturday to support the Jamaica team. Please take note of the following announcements.  Classic Christmas Concert (Grade K-2) Please join us on Thursday, December 5th from 2:30 [...]

Week 11 – A Refresh

2019-11-16T09:43:38-04:00November 16th, 2019|

Thank you to all who came out to parent-teacher interviews. Your questions and feedback are appreciated and help me create a better learning experience for your children. If you were unable to meet with me but would still like to, email me at mwood@gcspei.ca.  Annual Pancake Breakfast The 15th Annual Pancake Breakfast is just [...]

Week 10 – Quarter One Report Cards

2019-11-10T09:37:20-04:00November 10th, 2019|

The first quarter of the year came to a close with the first snowfall of the year.Report cards will be sent home this week on Thursday, so please take note of the following announcements.  Parent Teacher Interviews Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday evening (November 14) from 6-9pm and Friday morning (November 15) from 10am-12pm.  [...]

Week 9 – Last Week of First Quarter

2019-11-04T07:47:23-04:00November 2nd, 2019|

We have arrived at the final full week of the first quarter. The Grade five students just finished their fitness testing in Phys.Ed. have begun a volleyball unit. They have started reviewing fractions in math class after a unit on measurement, and I’m excited to provide more and more opportunities for them to apply [...]

Week 8 – A Full Week This Time

2019-10-27T23:19:35-03:00October 27th, 2019|

First quarter at GCS is quickly coming to a close. I would encourage you to be checking MySchoolManagement on a regular basis to stay up to date with your child’s grades. As always, if you have any questions, please email me at mwood@gcspei.ca.  Assignments and Assessments Tuesday: Weekly Cursive Assignment due 9am (Romans 3:23-24) [...]

Week 7 – Fall Party Week

2019-10-18T21:59:41-03:00October 18th, 2019|

Please take note of the following announcements. Fall Party (Grade 3 – 6) For our annual Fall Party, students in Gr 3 - 6 will be travelling by bus to the APM Centre where they will enjoy a day of hands-on science activities, ice skating, activities in the gym, and board games. Students will [...]

Week 6 – Thanksgiving Long Weekend

2019-10-12T16:16:27-03:00October 12th, 2019|

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Take some time this weekend to remember the blessings in your life and express thanks for them to each other.  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise his name. (Psalm 100:4) No Class on Monday Just a reminder that Monday, Oct. 14th, [...]

Week 5 – Cross Country Season

2019-10-06T12:36:51-03:00October 5th, 2019|

Another great week has passed, and there is much to be thankful for as we draw closer to Thanksgiving. Please take note of the following announcements: Elementary Cross-Country Event: Students in grades 3-6 will be participating in an upcoming Cross Country Meet on Monday, October 7th.  We welcome parents to join us in cheering [...]

Week 4 – A Look Into Next Week

2019-09-27T22:31:03-03:00September 27th, 2019|

There is always something happening at GCS, so here are just a few announcements to keep you informed about the weeks ahead: Cool Days & Warmer Clothing: Please remember that as the cooler days of autumn arrive, students should come prepared with a light coat or sweater for outdoors. Students may also wish to [...]

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