Week 22 – Ski Season

2020-02-17T19:25:30-04:00February 17th, 2020|

Thank-you for continuing to partner with us at GCS. Students had the opportunity to go skating last week and will have the opportunity to go skiing this week. Please take note of the following announcements: Classroom Supplies As the school year progresses we are sincerely grateful for the support of families in providing materials [...]

Week 21 – Love of Reading Week

2020-02-09T15:40:36-04:00February 9th, 2020|

Thank-you for continuing to partner with us at GCS.  With the third quarter ahead of us, we are gearing up for some exciting learning opportunities.  We will kick this semester off with Love Of Reading Week. Please take note of the following announcements: Classroom Supplies As the school year progresses we are sincerely grateful [...]

Week 20 – The Half Way Mark

2020-02-02T18:29:18-04:00February 2nd, 2020|

Third quarter already!? It has been a pleasure seeing how each of the Grade Five students have grown over the past few months. I can only imagine how that will continue into the second half of our year. With report cards going home this week, please take note of the following announcements:  Report Cards: [...]

Week 19 – Last Week of Second Quarter

2020-01-26T17:49:05-04:00January 26th, 2020|

Rain in January! I’m not sure if I approve. Anyways, this is our last week of 2nd quarter, which means report cards are right around the corner. Take note of the following announcements below.  Supplies Request The grade 5 classroom is running low on our supply of tissue boxes for students to use. Thank [...]

Week 18 – Almost Half Way There

2020-01-19T12:11:57-04:00January 19th, 2020|

With yet another winter storm blowing through I pray you are keeping safe and warm. Please take note of the following announcements.  PD Day, Weather Permitting As indicated on our online school year calendar, we currently have a scheduled Professional Development Day Friday, January 31st. However, if school is cancelled throughout that week, this [...]

Week 17 – Second Quarter is Coming to A Close

2020-01-12T12:23:26-04:00January 12th, 2020|

With two snow days behind us, we’re hoping to get in a full five days of school this week. The Grade Five students have been powering through fractions in Math class and working on big group presentations in Social Studies on ancient empires. Just a reminder that our day begins at 9:00 AM and [...]

Week 16 – Welcome to 2020!

2020-01-05T16:14:06-04:00January 5th, 2020|

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020! With two weeks off for Christmas break I’m sure students are well rested and ready to start this year off well. Please take note of the following reminders and announcements: Back To School Classes at GCS will resume on Monday, January 7th at 9:00 AM, however we recommend [...]

Week 15 – Christmas Time is Here!

2019-12-15T20:37:02-04:00December 15th, 2019|

We have arrived at the final week of the 2019 school year. Time has gone by so incredibly fast, and I have been blessed to have each and every student through it all. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I pray that you and your children have a wonderful Christmas [...]

Week 14 – Last Two Weeks

2019-12-08T13:35:49-04:00December 8th, 2019|

Only two more weeks left of this school year and still so much to do. The Grade Five class, along with their friends in grades three, four, and six, have been working very hard at practicing for this year’s Christmas Concert. We are hopeful you will join us. Christmas Concert:  This year we are [...]

Christmas Service Project Update

2019-12-04T18:46:52-04:00December 4th, 2019|

To celebrate Giving Tuesday and the Christmas season, the Grade 5 students have been challenged to bring in non-perishable food items to donate to a local food bank. We already have over 20 items to donate after our first day! I will be bringing the donations to The Upper Room Hospitality Ministry Food Bank after school [...]

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