Week 33 – We’re on the Home Stretch

2020-05-10T16:10:24-03:00May 10th, 2020|

First of all, Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms and Grandmothers!  This week will be another short week with a 4-day long weekend. No online classes this Friday or the following Monday.  Here is this week’s schedule: Monday Math: Pages 229-230 Language Arts: What is foreshadowing? Students will learn what foreshadowing is in [...]

Week 32 – Online Until the End

2020-05-03T13:35:22-03:00May 3rd, 2020|

Now that we are into May, the end of the school year is quickly approaching. As Mr. Biech mentioned in an email to families, education on PEI will continue to be done in an online setting for the remainder of the school year. More information regarding the end of the school year will follow. [...]

Week 31 – Online Education Continues

2020-04-26T11:46:00-03:00April 26th, 2020|

As we start into this next week I just want to recognize and thank all the families who have continued to partner with us at GCS through this challenging time. It’s been a blessing to see your children consistently participating on Seesaw and Google Classroom. Before we look at the week’s schedule there is [...]

Week 30 – Spring is Here!

2020-04-19T16:52:38-03:00April 19th, 2020|

Spring is here! I hope you’ve been able to spend some time outside enjoying God’s creation recently. We’re in for a full week of online school. Report cards were sent home last week, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email at mwood@gcspei.ca. Also, this Wednesday is Jersey [...]

Week 29 – Third Quarter Report Cards

2020-04-13T14:15:49-03:00April 13th, 2020|

It is that time again. Report cards will be going home digitally this week instead of the usual printed copy. This means we are now into the 4th quarter and at least the first four weeks of it will be online. Please read through the following announcements. Physical Education Activity Logs Daily exercise and [...]

Week 28 – Online Learning Continues

2020-04-05T14:42:12-03:00April 5th, 2020|

It has been a busy week full of change and learning opportunities. Thank you to the families who continued to partner with GCS during this time! Please note that we have changed the schedule for this week.  Students will still have Math and Language Arts every day, but we have streamlined the schedule to [...]

Week 27 – First Full Week of Online Education

2020-03-29T19:06:23-03:00March 29th, 2020|

It has been quite the adventure at GCS this past week. We’ve had to transition to online education through Seesaw, and I’m proud of how everyone has taken on that challenge. I also want to thank all the families who have continued to partner with us at GCS through this time.  Each week, I [...]

Week 25 – Winter Carnival Week

2020-03-08T22:57:10-03:00March 8th, 2020|

It’s Winter Carnival Week at GCS and we have planned a number of fun theme days and activities.  Please take note of the following announcements: Winter Carnival Theme Days: Students are encouraged to come dressed for theme days but to honour our school dress-code of- Clean, Neat & Appropriate. Monday’s theme day is PJ [...]

Week 24 – Skiing and Skating Week

2020-03-02T09:13:55-04:00March 1st, 2020|

Another busy week ahead with skiing and skating for the grade fives. Please take note of the following announcements:  Spelling Tests As we look ahead to the second half of the school year and plan to cover course content, we will proceed with this change. Each Friday, students write a weekly spelling test to [...]

Week 23 – Heritage Fair Projects Begin

2020-02-23T17:51:30-04:00February 23rd, 2020|

Another 4-day week this week with a PD day this Friday. Students have begun work on a large research project in their Genius Hour class with Mrs. Jelley, and I’m excited to see them challenge themselves. Please take note of the following announcements:  Skating Days This winter, elementary students will each be going skating [...]

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