Week 6 in Grade 5

2020-10-12T20:39:15-03:00October 12th, 2020|

Happy Thanksgiving to all GCS families. I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and found some time to enjoy God’s creation during this season. We are halfway through the first quarter of the year. Please read the following announcements: In-House Cross-Country Usually during the fall, we travel to Elliot River for the annual Cross-Country [...]

Week 5 in Grade 5

2020-10-04T15:09:39-03:00October 4th, 2020|

With our first month of school behind us, I’m thankful for the blessing of a safe environment to teach and learn. Thank you for continuing to screen your children daily to maintain that safe environment.  This coming week students will be studying sentence structure in Language Arts. We have begun our Measurement unit in [...]

Week 4 in Grade 5

2020-09-27T15:31:50-03:00September 27th, 2020|

Last week was another great week, despite the school closure on Wednesday. As we enter into the fall season and temperatures drop, please remember to send students to school with appropriate clothing for the day.  This coming week students will be practicing use of colons in Language Arts before starting into a unit in [...]

Week 3 – A Look Ahead

2020-09-19T18:25:10-03:00September 19th, 2020|

The grade five students have quickly returned to a regular school day routine and have embarrassed the new expectations and procedures well. Last week students took a variety of CAT’s (Canadian Achievement Tests) in Mathematics and Language Arts and worked through each of them diligently. On Friday, students learned about who Terry Fox was [...]

A Great First Week

2020-09-13T09:45:46-03:00September 13th, 2020|

A Great Start It has been such a wonderful first couple days back in school. I’m excited to see how the Grade 5 students learn and grow together as the year progresses. Please take note of the following announcements for this week, and don’t forget to subscribe to this weekly blog post to stay [...]

Welcome to Grade 5

2020-09-03T11:50:01-03:00September 3rd, 2020|

Welcome Back! I am super excited to meet all the new Grade Five students! Students are expected to arrive at the school by 8:35am to be ready for the new class start time of 8:45am. The Grade Five learning studio is in room 308 at the end of the elementary hallway on the right.  [...]

IMPORTANT: Supply Drop-Off/Pick-Up and Report Cards

2020-06-16T19:29:21-03:00June 16th, 2020|

Hello GCS Grade 5 Family! Thank you to everyone who booked a time slot to come to the school to drop-off/pick-up supplies to finish the school year.  If you have not signed up, I have sent you an email with some available times you may book directly with me.  I will see you on [...]

Week 36 – The Final Push

2020-05-31T10:54:55-03:00May 31st, 2020|

It goes without saying that this year has been an interesting one to say the least. Although education for GCS took a dramatic change through COVID-19, I have been blown away with how well everyone has done to continue education online. I am proud of the efforts contributed this year and have thoroughly appreciated [...]

Week 35 – Just 10 More School Days

2020-05-24T14:49:28-03:00May 24th, 2020|

Poetry, Geometry, Physics, and more. Students will be learning about the World Wars. Only two weeks left to give it your best! A few more assignments, then you can rest.  This week’s schedule: Monday Math: Pages 243-244 Language Arts: What is Narrative Poetry? Check Seesaw Activities Gym: Remember to start recording your daily physical [...]

Week 34 – Only 3 full Weeks of School Remain

2020-05-18T16:09:22-03:00May 18th, 2020|

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful long-weekend. As mentioned in an email last week from Mr. Biech, June 5th will be the last day of online classes. With only three weeks left of the school year I am proud of all my students and grateful to the families who continue to partner with [...]

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