Grade 3 Update

2021-09-13T10:32:24-03:00September 13th, 2021|

We managed to get four days under our belts! Although our current situation is not one that any of us would have chosen (and certainly not this early in the school year), we can rest in the assurance that God is with us throughout everything! Due to having been in class for only a [...]

Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!

2021-09-02T09:05:15-03:00September 1st, 2021|

Welcome back to school everyone!  My name is Mrs. Angie Smylie and I am excited to be embarking on my fourth year of teaching at Grace Christian School.  I feel very thankful to still be able to return to in-school learning this year, and I look forward to getting to know all my new [...]

This is it! Week of June 14-18

2021-06-13T17:56:30-03:00June 13th, 2021|

This is it! We have reached the final week of this school year! I am truly thankful for the privilege of having been your child's teacher this year. So many happy memories were created over the past 10 months and I am so proud of all the growth these young ones have experienced. God [...]

Week of June 7-11 in Grade 3

2021-06-06T13:38:42-03:00June 6th, 2021|

This is the second to last blog post for the year! It is also the last full week of school...UNBELIEVABLE! What's Going On? This week in Math, we will continue with our review of the concepts learned this year and we will have our final Math Test of this school year. In Language Arts, [...]

Week of May 31st-June 4th

2021-05-30T14:03:45-03:00May 30th, 2021|

There are only three weeks of school left! Once again, I am reminded of how truly blessed we have been this year to be able to have in-person learning. Thank you to all the parents and students who have been so respectful of following the protocols that have been put in place to allow [...]

Week of May 25th-28th in Grade 3

2021-05-24T18:22:49-03:00May 24th, 2021|

I hope you all were able to get outside on this last day of the long weekend! What's Going On? This week in Math, we are fully into review of all that has been learned this year! In Language Arts, students will be studying the very last spelling list of this school year. And [...]

Week of May 17th-21st in Grade 3

2021-05-16T10:48:18-03:00May 16th, 2021|

How is it possible that it is already mid-May? We have only one month of school left! I am ever-thankful that we've been able to spend all of our school year (minus 3 days) participating in in-class learning. May we remember what a blessing it is! What's Going On? In Math, students have been [...]

Week of May 10-14

2021-05-09T19:56:57-03:00May 9th, 2021|

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers in our class! I hope you all had a lovely day with your family. What's Going On? In Math this week, students will dive even deeper into multiplication...learning how to multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number! In Language Arts, we will be having our [...]

Week of May 3-7

2021-05-01T18:26:11-03:00May 1st, 2021|

And then it was May! How amazing is it that we have completed 8 months of school already?! How blessed we truly are to be able to come into our school every day and have in-person classes! Please pray for the areas in our country that have been shut down and have returned to [...]

Week of April 26-30 in Grade 3

2021-04-25T08:40:22-03:00April 25th, 2021|

And just like's the last week of April! I am amazed at how quickly this school year seems to be flying by. Although we have only eight weeks left, they will be busy ones! With that in mind, please take note of this week's announcements below: What’s Going On? We will introduce Spelling [...]

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