Week 25 in Grade One – Winter Carnival

2019-03-10T19:51:53-03:00March 10th, 2019|

It’s Winter Carnival Week at GCS and we have planned a number of fun theme days and activities.  Please take note of the following announcements: Winter Carnival Theme Days: Students are encouraged to come dressed for theme days but to honour our school dress-code of- Clean, Neat & Appropriate. Theme days are as follows: [...]

Week 24 in Grade one

2019-03-03T19:59:50-04:00March 3rd, 2019|

Good evening.  Please take note of the following announcements regarding events this week. March MATH-ness Competition Get your math brains on, students! The elementary classes have entered a national competition through Mathletics, an award winning interactive site that aims to improve math skills through fun activities linked to the Canadian curriculum. Students earn points [...]

Week 23 in Grade One

2019-02-24T15:59:21-04:00February 24th, 2019|

Good afternoon! Please take note of the following updates and announcements from the Grade 1 classroom: Island Storm Visit: We are excited to be welcoming the Island Storm back to GCS this Wednesday, Feb 27th.  During their visit, students will host their annual game of “Are You Smarter Than A GCS Knight?” We are [...]

Week 22 in Grade One

2019-02-18T19:25:49-04:00February 18th, 2019|

Happy Islander Day! I trust everyone has enjoyed your long weekend.  Take note below of information regarding elementary’s first skating day. If you have any questions about skating or any other information below don’t hesitate to email me at jbarton@gcspei.ca Elementary Skate: Students in Grades 1 – 6 will participate in their first elementary [...]

Week 21 – Love of Reading Week

2019-02-10T14:05:32-04:00February 10th, 2019|

Thank you to all those who were able to make it out on Thursday night for Parent Teacher Conferences.  If you were scheduled for Friday, please take note of the following announcement regarding rescheduling: Parent Teacher Conference- Rescheduled   Due to the cancellation of Friday’s Parent Teacher Conferences, we will be providing parents an opportunity [...]

Week 20 — Report Cards and Interviews

2019-02-03T17:57:11-04:00February 3rd, 2019|

This year is going by very fast.  It is hard to believe that we have reached the halfway point already.  As we gear up for third quarter, please take note of the following announcements regarding Parent Teacher Conferences & Report Cards. Report Cards:  The second quarter report cards are being sent home with your child [...]

Week 19 in Grade one

2019-01-27T18:30:27-04:00January 27th, 2019|

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice sunny weekend.  As we come to the end of second quarter, take note below of information regarding this Friday’s weather permitting PD day as well as parent-teacher interview dates. Classroom Supplies As the school year progresses we are sincerely grateful for the support of families in providing materials [...]

Week 18 in Grade one

2019-01-20T20:09:29-04:00January 20th, 2019|

I hope you have all stayed safe and warm on this blustery day. PD Day, Weather Permitting As indicated on our online school year calendar, we have a currently scheduled Professional Development Day Friday, February 1st. However, if school is cancelled throughout that week, this PD Day will be cancelled and we will have [...]

Week 17 in Grade One

2019-01-12T13:54:31-04:00January 12th, 2019|

We have a had a great first week back after the break.  As we settle in for the remainder of the second quarter, I would like to remind you of the homework procedures for grade one.  Each night students should read from their Handbook for Reading (pages are located in your child's agenda), as well [...]

Welcome Back

2019-01-06T15:22:50-04:00January 6th, 2019|

We are back to school tomorrow for our first day of 2019.  I hope everyone had a great holiday with friends and family.   Here are a few reminders for the week ahead: Back To School Classes at GCS will resume on Monday, January 7th at 9:00 AM, however we recommend that students arrive at [...]

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