Christmas Concert Reminders For THIS WEEK!

2017-12-11T14:35:24-04:00December 11th, 2017|

圣诞音乐会周 我们现在正在为圣诞假期的日子而倒数,我们希望您们可以来参加我们GCS学校一年一度的圣诞音乐会。 圣诞音乐会提醒: 今年我们非常荣幸可以向您呈现“圣诞角落店铺游”音乐会于星期四,12月14日下午一点三十分,晚上的表演将在6点30分巨星。学生要求在下午6点时返回学校进行准备。作为一个家庭,希望您可以早来占位置,因为我们期待有很多观众前来。请注意这场音乐会的穿着要求是红色,银色,白色或者黑色的正式服装 (女生穿长裙或者短裙,男生穿衬衫和深色长裤--男生请不要穿牛仔裤)。 圣诞祝福和砖块: 每年的这个时候都是祈祷和祝福的时候,也是对您想捐赠的地方捐赠的时候。我们的“买一块砖”活动现在在SCRIP前台也可以参加了。对于学校这将是多大的一个祝福,同时你也可以以一位你尊敬的人的姓名来购买一块砖并捐赠给学校。每一块砖将是250元。所以,如果你希望以这样的方法来敬仰一位你所尊敬的人,请到SCRIP前台找Mr.Huizing, 如果您希望了解更多关于我们的买一块砖项目,请联系 Christmas Concert Reminders: This year we are very pleased to be presenting the musical Christmas Shop Around the Corner on Thursday, December 14th, with a matinee performance at 1:30 pm and an evening performance at 6:30 pm. Students are asked to return to school for the evening performance by [...]

Some Changes as Construction Begins! Beware!!!

2017-11-05T15:00:12-04:00November 5th, 2017|

我们非常高兴能够从明天开始第一阶段的学校扩建工程!一如以往,学生的安全至关重要;我们将在早晨上学时开始下列安全程序(下午3点放学)。详情请看附件地图/路线: 学校将继续使用与进出停车场相同程序 如果您需要停车,请停在停车场的指定停车位。请不要停放在停车场的入口处 - 这个空间需要被清空,允许大型机械和设备进出,同时让学校的交通通畅。 由于目前的学校入口在建设中,无法使用,所以现在学生在教堂的入口处等待(早上和放学后)。 学生什么时候都不可以在旗杆旁的草地和施工区停留。 当学生们上学时,学生们将走到教堂的入口处,等候在教堂入口的前面(学校将用安全锥来指示位置) 接孩子的时候,他们将从教堂入口离开学校,并在早晨上学时同一地点等候(在教堂入口前面)。请确保您及时来学校接孩子。 进入学校时,学生和家长都要使用教堂入口,沿着走廊走到学校校区。请不要穿过教堂礼堂进入学校。 离开学校时,学生和家长将通过教堂的正门离开(不是卫生间旁边的小出口门 - 这个门将会成为紧急出口) 学校老师将在停车场帮助指导家长和学生 在我们看到上帝以惊人的方式移动着这个地方的同时,再次感谢您与我们合作!   We are extremely excited to have the construction of Phase 1 of our expansion begin tomorrow!  As always, safety for the students is paramount; we will begin the following safety procedures beginning in the morning for dropoff (and pickup at 3:00pm).  Also see the [...]

October News You Can Use

2017-10-16T16:44:17-03:00October 16th, 2017|

It is hard to believe we are in October! Here are some dates to plan for as we look ahead. Oct 17 - Grade 7-9 - Study Abroad Cultural Exchange w. Japan Oct 17 - Grade 10-12 Cross Country provincial championships Oct 18 - World Concerns Conference - Grade 10-12   Students leave at 6:00 am!! Oct [...]

Happy Thanksgiving

2017-10-05T16:47:25-03:00October 5th, 2017|

Happy Thanksgiving ~ At this time of year, it is proper to give thanks to our GREAT God for all the amazing blessings that we encounter at GCS.  Our school family is a huge reason to thank God.  Your children have worked hard the first five weeks of school. You can be proud of this [...]

Seesaw is Off to a Great Start in ESL

2017-09-22T21:07:17-03:00September 22nd, 2017|

By now you should have heard about the new app called Seesaw we are using in ESL.  This app allows teachers, students, and parents to see their English language progress. Students are downloading their pronunciation practice videos, handwritten journals, label it practice, and other tasks daily. If you have not seen your student's work... make sure [...]

A Great First Week In ESL

2017-09-15T15:53:09-03:00September 15th, 2017|

We had a great first week in ESL! Seesaw App I hope you have heard about the new Seesaw app that all the ESL students are using.  This app empowers students to document what they are learning at school. Students can “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. They will [...]

A GREAT start to a GREAT year!

2017-09-09T19:37:50-03:00September 8th, 2017|

The 2017-18 school year is off to a great start as students from young to old have participated in an array of activities in the first two days.  As we look to next week, there are a number of events to be aware of: Monday, September 11 - ESL Parent Orientation Night This is for parents of [...]

Welcome Back & Save the Date!

2017-09-09T19:39:04-03:00September 6th, 2017|

Welcome to the NEW school year! It is a great honour to get to know you and your children and we have a few events that you should save the date for. As we begin the year I wanted to remind you of a few important dates. September 7 First day of regular classes - 8:45 [...]

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