Hello families,
It is hard to believe that third quarter report cards are being finished this weekend and we are in the home stretch of school for another year. That really is crazy to me!
I am so looking forward to talking about Easter this week with our sweet students. Mrs. Squires and I have been planning for this week for a long time and I am excited to share it with the littles.
As always, thank you for all you are doing to help keep our community safe and strong.
*Our playground is not ready for spring foot wear. The ground conditions still require winter or spring rubber boots. Your child’s feet will be wet, cold and muddy in running shoes. Please help us to stay outside as long as possible with dry feet. Thank you for this consideration.
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, April 13th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Elementary) (EVENING)
Thursday, April 14th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (High School) (NO SCHOOL FOR ELEMENTARY)
Friday, April 15th: Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, April 18th: Easter Monday (NO SCHOOL)
See you tomorrow everyone.
Mrs. Laura Perry