Dear Grade 6 GCS Family,
We had another great week!
Grade 6 students are well into their measurement unit in math and finished up the week writing their first math test.
In Social Studies, students explored what World War One was like back at home in Canada. They have a letter writing assignment due Monday.
Students also discussed 3D printing and were introduced to the classroom’s 3D printers! We will continue this enrichment activity throughout the year.
Cross Country
On Tuesday, October 5th, Grade 6 will be participating in a Cross Country run here at the school. Please ensure students are prepared and have their water bottles for this event.
Important Dates:
Cross Country – Tuesday, October 5th
Thanksgiving – Monday, October 11th (No School)
Daily Math Work
Social Studies: Letter to Borden Assignment (due Monday, October 4th)
French Quiz – Tuesday, October 5th
Spelling and Vocabulary Quiz #4 – Friday, October 8th
Math Quiz #2 – Friday, October 8th
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Olsen