As we swiftly approach the half-way mark of this school year, may we continue to remember and be thankful for how very fortunate we are to still be able to come to school for learning. Each day is a gift to be appreciated!
What’s Going On?
This week, the Grade 3 class will: continue to learn about North America in Social Studies; learn about more units of measure (time: weeks/months/years; length: miles; liquid: centiliters/liters) and continue to memorize times tables up to 7X12 in Math; and continue our unit on writing a friendly letter (to yours truly!) in Language Arts.
Dressing for the Weather
Just a friendly reminder that all children should be coming to school prepared for outdoor play. A warm jacket, snow pants, a hat, at least one pair of warm mittens or gloves, and winter boots are all necessary in order to play outdoors.
GCS Spirit Day
This Wednesday, January 20th, will be another GCS Spirit Day. All students are welcome and encouraged to wear GCS apparel to school on Wednesday to show their school spirit!
This Week’s Assessments
Monday – French vocabulary quiz
Wednesday – Math Quiz #7 and Social Studies quiz
Friday – Spelling Quiz #14
Dates to Remember
Monday, Feb.1 – Semester Turnaround Day (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, Feb.4 – Report Cards and Elementary Parent -Teacher interviews (5:00-7:oo PM)
Friday, Feb.5 – Jr./Sr. High interviews (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, Feb.15 – Islander Day (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, Feb.26 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)
I believe that is all for now. Looking forward to seeing all your children tomorrow!
Mrs. Smylie