Hello, My Families of GCS Kindergarten,

We are down to our last two weeks of Kindergarten at home for the year 2019-2020.

During these last two weeks I encourage you to read the outline sent by Mr. Biech (added below) so you will know the important dates for you and your child regarding end of school year-round up.

I am putting together a choice of projects for our last week of school (June 1-5th).

Some of our Kindergarten students have expressed how much they have enjoyed learning about different animals so I think continuing in this theme would be the easiest way to explore learning during our last week of school.

There will be phonics and number activities to complete as well as fun facts activities to post.  I will give options for those of you that have access to printers and options for those who would like to take photos or draw the activities instead.

I understand this will again, require parent involvement, so if you choose to participate, please know I am mindful of the lack of school equipment you have at home…

My hope is that this will be a fun way to conclude our year together by applying the different skills your child has learned and show them to complete our year.

REMINDERS From Mr. Biech:

June 1 – June 5

  • June 5 – Last day of online classes (JK-12)

June 8 – June 12

  • Fourth quarter final course assessment grading and report card administration

June 15 – June 19

  • June 16 – Special Kindergarten recognition (details to be announced)
  • June 16-19 – scheduled time for students to return school resources and retrieve personal items; students receive report card; students say goodbye to homeroom/class teacher (specific details to be announced)
  • June 19 – GCS Financial Aid Application due
  • School closing celebration (GCS Youtube Channel)

As a school community, we have a tradition of recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of our students in various aspects of school life.  Celebrations including Arts Coffee, SH Drama Production, the Sports Award Ceremony and School Closing, will be conducted differently from normal due to provincial restrictions.  This year, these showcases and award ceremonies will be compiled digitally and placed on the GCS YouTube channel throughout the month of June.

See you tomorrow.


Mrs. Laura Perry