It has been quite the adventure at GCS this past week. We’ve had to transition to online education through Seesaw, and I’m proud of how everyone has taken on that challenge. I also want to thank all the families who have continued to partner with us at GCS through this time. 

Each week, I will be posting a blog here that outlines the work for the entire week.  Each day, I will post a video announcement on Seesaw to reinforce or explain daily tasks. Students will have many other activities included this week, but the main focus should continue to be Math and Language. It will be very important for students to check their Seesaw accounts at least every morning, if not more. 

I will be available to provide feedback to students who submit work between the hours of 9am and 3pm throughout the week. Anything posted after that time will receive feedback early the next day.  Any questions regarding assignments and Seesaw should be directed to me at so we can make sure your child has what they need. If there are any questions specific to the following classes, please direct them to the appropriate teacher. 

Music: Mrs. Wilting

Bible: Mrs. McGonnell

Art: Mrs. Arthurs

Science: Mrs. MacNeill 

French: Mrs. Smylie

Physical Education

Physical Education classes will operate a little differently than other online classes. An email Please see your email inbox for more information and documents regarding Physical Education class. Daily exercise and getting outside every day should be a special part of your daily family routine – we recommend at least 20-30 minutes a day. Please use your discretion and follow all of the PEI public heath’s directives. A downloadable template of a weekly activity log has been sent to parents as well as an example of how students are to fill it in. These activity logs will be due every Monday on Seesaw. Make sure that it is submitted into the Gym folder. Also, from time to time we will be asking your child to submit on Seesaw videos of themselves doing our physical Fitness weekly challenges. So, be checking Seesaw for these on regular scheduled Phys.Ed. days. 

Heritage Fair

Heritage Fair will continue. Grade 5 should email an audio visual / video presentation of their Heritage Fair project to Mrs. Jelley at by Tuesday, April 7th. This could include a video with a completed backboard or a Google Slide presentation with audio recorded for each slide (if some students were not able to purchase a backboard and supplies). This presentation will be evaluated/judged. Students should work towards completing their boards (or slides) and practice their presentations over the next week. Any students who are working in partners and have concerns, may email Mrs. Jelley at any time.Things to remember when recording a presentation: What is in the background? Is the lighting appropriate? Am I looking at the camera? Is the camera appropriately positioned to capture the details of my board? Have I practiced what I am going to say enough that I can present my best?


Epic is the world’s leading online children’s subscription book service offering immediate, on-demand access to over 35,000 high-quality illustrated books and chapter books for children ages 12 and under. An invitation to sign up for remote access to Epic was sent to parents on Friday. Typically, Epic is free during school hours but you have to pay to access it at home. However, they have offered free remote access until the end of the school year due to the number of schools being closed. To help simplify the setup process, Epic has provided some instructions for parents who receive the invitation. Here is a link to the instructions. Here is a quick summary of the setup steps:

  1. Parent Will Receive Link in Email to Connect
    2. Parents Set Up Account By Clicking Email Link
    3. Parents Login for Student Remote Access
    4. Parents Enter Their Email and Password
    5. Student Selects Their Profile
    6. Student Begins Learning!

Below is a schedule for this week for all our online classes. We are following the same course schedule as we had when school was in-person with the courses covered each day.


Math: Pages 177-178

Language Arts: Read “What Kids Can Do” article from about COVID 19 and answer questions. Research how to wash your hands properly and submit an instructional video about how to wash your hands.

Music: Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting: Music, Movement and More

Bible: Students will create a Bible journal page for Philippians 4:6.  Students will find the activity by clicking on the activity class on Seesaw.

Social Studies: Heritage Fair Assignment from Mrs. Jelley

Gym – Start your first week’s log of daily activity. An email was sent to parents with a downloadable file to fill in every weekday. This will be due Monday, April 6th. 


Math: Pages 179-180

Gym: Record submit a video of you doing as many sit-ups as you can in 60 seconds. 

Language Arts: Write a letter to Justin Trudeau. 

Art: No Art this week. 


Math: Pages 181-182

Language Arts: Review 7 comma rules and write 2 sentences for each. Practice sentence diagramming by writing a sentence that will fill any empty diagram (Fill the Frame). 

Science:   PSA Covid-19 Lesson:  Using a list of key vocabulary words provided, students will research Covid-19 from credible sources. Students will then create a Public Service Announcement about Covid-19 that outlines the truth about Covid-19 and its effects in PEI/Canada.  They will upload your video (public service announcement) on Friday to their Seesaw Science Folder. 

French: Students working in Mission Monde 2 will begin a translation assignment.  All necessary information will be posted in the Activities section on Seesaw.  Students working in Mission Monde 1 will complete activities assigned on Seesaw in the Activities section.  ALL students will also complete a 5 lesson Duolingo assignment.

Bible: Students will watch a video from a series called “What’s in the Bible?”.  Students will find the activity by clicking on the activity tab on Seesaw.


Math: Pages 183-184

Language Arts: Listen and respond to the assigned Epic audiobook “Famous People in History”. 

Music: Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting: Music, Movement and More

French: Students working in Mission Monde 2 will complete a translation assignment.  All necessary information will be posted in the Activities section on Seesaw.  Students working in Mission Monde 1 will complete activities assigned on Seesaw in the Activities section.  ALL students will also complete a 5 lesson Duolingo assignment.

Social Studies: Heritage Fair Assignment from Mrs. Jelley


Math: Prodigy Test on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000. Just play Prodigy and answer at least 20 questions. 

Bible: Students will submit a note on Seesaw in response to the video they watched.  Share your favorite part or ask a question in response to something you learned.  Students will find the activity by clicking on the activity tab on Seesaw.

Gym: Students will be recording and submitting a 30 second video of what they are doing to stay active. 

Language Arts: Vocabulary Test and assigned reading for the weekend to be summarized. 

Science: PSA Covid-19 Video Submission

Have a wonderful week!

Mr. Wood