A lot is planned for the second half of the year at GCS. With the third quarter ahead of us, we are gearing up for some exciting learning opportunities. We will kick this semester off with Love Of Reading Week. Please take note of the following announcements:
Parent Teacher Conference- Rescheduled
Due to the cancellation of Friday’s Parent Teacher Conferences, we will be providing parents an opportunity to meet with teachers on Monday, February 11 from 3:15-5:00pm. Conferences will not be signed up for, but will rather be on a “first come, first served” basis, with a 10-minute time limit.
Classroom Supplies
As the school year progresses we are sincerely grateful for the support of families in providing materials for our classrooms. Our Grade Five class could use some boxes of tissue. If you would like to provide some for our classroom, please send them with your child in the coming weeks. We would be very thankful.
Love Of Reading Week
Throughout this coming week, we encourage your child to invest a little extra time each day discovering the joy of learning through reading! Take a look at a few of the fun ways we will celebrate Love Of Reading Week:
Monday: Bring your favourite book to class.
Tuesday: Character Dress Up Day – Dress up like a character from any of your favourite stories.
Wednesday: Make a bookmark with Mrs. Biech.
Thursday: Show Me Your Shelfie
Friday: Bedtime Story Day – Wear your pyjamas and bring a favourite bedtime story.
Elementary Ski Day:
This Friday, elementary students in grades 3-6 have the opportunity to visit Brookvale Provincial Ski Park for the day. Students are asked to return their permission slip, payment, and yellow ski form to their homeroom teacher before Friday at 9AM. Full details regarding this event are included on your child’s permission slip. Students who do not wish to participate will be counted as absent for the day, however, we ask that they remain at home if not skiing. We will require parent volunteers to drive students to this event. Please indicate your availability to drive students if you can.
Robotics Club:
Grace Christian School is thrilled to host an after-school Robotics S.T.E.A.M. Program for students in grades 3-6! Through using LEGO WeDo 2.0, young engineers will be challenged with hands-on learning activities that spark creativity, develop critical thinking skills, and are just plain fun!
- Where: Room 101
- When: Every Wednesday starting February 11th for 8 weeks (not including March 20th)
- Time: 3:15-4:30
- Cost: $150
- Who: Students in grades 3-6
If interested, please fill out the form which was sent home in the agenda last week.
Important Dates
- February 11-15 – Love of Reading Week
- February 15 – Skiing for grades 3-8 and grade 10
- February 18 – Islander Day (no school)
Upcoming Assessments
- Wednesday: Week 21 Pangram Assignment (Not for ESL students)
- Thursday – Spelling Test 18 and Math Quiz
Have a wonderful week!
Mr. Wood