
April Showers Bring May Flowers

Greetings! We have had a great few days back after March break and I look forward to the weather warming up for our first full week back. Our final quarter is approaching along with more events where we come together as a school. Take note of important dates throughout this post and continue to do so as the year comes to a close.

A Knight to Remember Celebration

Tickets for A Knight to Remember are now available for purchase! On Friday, April 27th there will be an evening of fellowship and celebration as we honour Mrs. Anne Laird, Mrs. Elsie Barrett, and Mr. Neil Thompson for their significant contributions throughout their years of service at GCS thus far. Tickets for the event are $30 each and can be purchased at the school office. We encourage you to come out and show your support to these GCS Knights.

A Look At This Week

Monday: Learning about Ducks at a pond.

Tuesday: Reading Buddies, Music,and  Art

Wednesday: Chapel, money for lunch and milk orders due please

Thursday: Music

Friday: Gym and Computers, Library

Important Dates

April 19 – Parent Teacher Conferences (pm)
April 20 – Parent Teacher Conferences (No Class)
April 27 –  A Knight to Remember Celebration
May 4 – Professional Development Day No School
May 5 – Family Fun Run


Mrs. Laura Perry

2018-04-08T18:43:43-03:00April 8th, 2018|
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