Schools Out For Summer (Almost)

Things to watch for next week include:

Monday, June 18th is our last full day of kindergarten.

Tuesday, June 19th is a half day of school for the kindergarten students.  All kindergarten students will be picked up in our classroom at 12:00.

If you have students in other grades of our school, their day ends at 3:00 as usual.

Kindergarten students will need to return to our classroom by 6:10 pm.  Please have your child use the washroom and get a drink before coming to our classroom at 6:10.  Children wear their best outfits on this celebration day.  Your child will have a graduation cap to wear later in the performance so please allow the hat to fit over your daughter’s hairstyle. After the performance, all the children will be in the kindergarten room for pick up from their parents. This is the last day of school for the kindergarten children. 

Wednesday, June 20: No school for kindergarten.  If you have older children in our school, they will have classes on Wednesday.

Thursday, June 21: Sandspit Family Day

Thursday, June 21st will be our annual GCS Sandspit day! The ride bracelets this year will be $13.00 per person and allow for all rides except the go-karts. All parents are required to pay for their own bracelets. When purchasing bracelets, let the cashier know you are with the GCS group. Hours of operation are from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for you to come and enjoy your children and the fellowship of other parents. You are reminded that there is no supervision by GCS staff and each parent is responsible for either attending with their children or making provision for their children to be cared for.

Here is the web address to give you more information:

Friday, June 22: No school for kindergarten students, if you have older children in the school, this is a wonderful end of year celebration for all the grade 1 to 12 students.  This is a great way to end the year together.

Have a good afternoon everyone.

See you tomorrow.


Mrs. Laura Perry

2018-06-17T20:11:35-03:00June 17th, 2018|
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